Other word types

A very compact collection of word type definitions. Great for printing out and putting in a transparent cell phone case. So you can carry it around with you for a few weeks and learn along the way.
The cell phone itself is also a great place to put my electronic shopping cart .

NounsMain words House, Car, Sabine
ArticleDefinite article: the
Indefinite article: a/an
VerbsStrong = Irregular "Do" words drink. sing, think, sleep
Soft = Regular "Do" words smoke, climb, search
Auxiliary verbs In combination with a full verb have, be, become
Modal verbsA necessity or possibility or permission.
can, may, should, want, like, must
adjectiveProperty of a noun fast, loud, rich, small the beautiful house
AdverbCircumstance of a state/activity/process
The house is very beautiful.
PronounsExact definition of the noun
This woman this car
ConjunctionsConnecting words and, or, as, like, that, whether
NumeralsThree, seventh, twice
PrepositionsSpatial or temporal relation behind, on, for, at, to, because of, on, over, under, later
InterjectionExclamations Oh, eh, huh