Navision 2009r2 additional servicetier

Nav123: Navision, Showare, OrderApp

Nav 2009r2 does not yet have an administration console like Nav RTC from the 2013 version. Therefore, setting up an additional service tier in the 2009R2 version is somewhat more complicated than in the following Navision versions.
1. duplicate the 3-tier server folder:

Rename the copied folder e.g. to Server2.

2. edit the CustomSettings.config copied with it
(Attention! Depending on the access rights, the file must be copied to c:\temp\ and edited!)

add key="ServerInstance" value="AlteInstanz" -> 
add key="ServerInstance" value="Neue Instanz"

add key="ServerPort" value="7046" -> 
add key="ServerPort" value="7146"

add key="WebServicePort" value="7047" ->
add key="WebServicePort" value="7147"

Jeder andere Port ist genauso geeignet, das Durchnummerieren der Navision Service Tier Instanzen an der 2. Stelle (0->1) ist gängige Praxis.

3. install the new service animal as a service
Switch to the new folder in the admin command line:
sc create „Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server3″ binpath=“c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\service2\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe“ start=auto obj=“Account“ type=own
sc= ScerviceControll
create=Install new service
...service2=The folder just created by copying
Account: Domain/User

After a few seconds, sc reports back with [SC] CreateService ERFOLG and a new Navision service animal is registered in the service control:

4. complete the login data here and restart the service.

The new servicetier can now be selected in the client.
The name of the instance comes from add key="ServerInstance

Alternatively, the client can of course also be selected via an individual ClientUser.config:

add key="Server" value="DESV136″ <- Name/IP address of the computer on which the ServiceTier is running
add key="ServerInstance" value="xxxba2″ <- Instance of the service animal to which this client is to connect here must match the port!
add key="ServerPort" value="7146″ <- Port of the service animal to which this client is to connect here must match the instance!