Purchase Invoices Approval

Nav123: Navision, Showare, OrderApp

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This extension complements in particular the GetMyInvoices (Get my Invoices) Rechnungsimport. Über den Freigabeprozess können sehr rationell hunderte oder tausende von Eingangsrechnungen pro Tag durch die Abteilungen geschleust werden. Fassen und sortieren Sie nicht immer und immer wieder Papierbelege, verlieren Sie keine Skonti oder gar ihren guten Ruf weil Belege verloren gehen. Und: Nutzen Sie ihre Zeit und die Zeit ihrer Mitarbeiter für wichtigeres als Papierstapel zu sortieren und zu durchsuchen. Rechnungsprüfung und Rechnungsfreigabe lassen sich heutzutage leicht zu 50%, je nach Unternehmen und Profil auch über 60% automatisieren. Sie können dies leicht bei sich feststellen:
Wie viele Rechnungen haben nur 1 oder 2 Positionen? Bei wie vielen Lieferanten haben Sie in der Regel nur eine Rechnung zu jeder Zeit (z.B. eine Rechnung im Monat) aktiv? Diese Belege können Sie bei der Rechnungsprüfung und Rechnungsfreigabe getrost als 100% automatisiert annehmen. Natürlich immer mit der Voraussetzung, das bei Warenrechnungen diese auch vorher als Bestellungen mit gut passenden Preisen erfasst wurden.
Doch auch Kostenrechnungen lassen sich in den Prozessen der Rechnungsprüfung und Rechnungsfreigabe sehr stark automatisieren. Hier ist der größte Teil der Arbeit i.d.R. nicht die Prüfung, sondern die Erfassung. Und diese können Sie gerade bei Kostenrechnungen auch mit über 80% Automatisierungsgrad annehmen. Was wird übrig bleiben: Die Warenrechnungen ihrer A-Artikel mit hohen Umschlagszahlen und damit auch vielen Eingangsrechnungen. Und genau bei diesen lohnt es sich auch, mal etwas genauer hinzusehen. So kommen Sie schnell auf eine Automatisierung ihrer Einkauf Rechnungserfassung (Eingangsrechnungen), Rechnungsprüfung und Rechnungsfreigabe auf über 60%. Stellen Sie sich einmal vor, nur noch z.B. eine Person bearbeitet ihre Eingangsrechnungen statt wie bisher 2. Die andere Person kann nun sinnvolleren Tätigkeiten nachgehen. Preisverhandlungen, Lieferanmahnungen, Alternativlieferanten suchen, Betriebliches Reporting… ohne Mehrkosten für Ihr Unternehmen!

Approval rules

Approval rules are defined from the vendor card and from the vendor list via the glasses icon:

Definition von Freigabestufen und Freigaberegeln nach Abteilungen und Benutzern und Werten in Navision / Business Central

Vendor no. For which vendors this approval rule applies.
Blank= All. A release rule for a specific vendor always overwrites the blanket approval rule.
Cost center For which cost center this approval rule applies. Blank= All. An approval rule for a specific cost center always overwrites the blanket approval rule. The cost center entered in the invoice at the release time applies.
Stage Approval level of this rule. The approval process always starts at level 1. Only if there are subsequent levels, further approval is also required.
Approval by Who should approve invoices in this stage? 1 to several persons can be stored in a level.
As of amount (MW) As of what amount is this person responsible for a clearance?
Until amount Up to what amount is this person responsible for a clearance?

Thereby an amount from 0 Euro to infinity must be spanned for each step! Otherwise invoices can get stuck "in the air". Example:
User 1 0 to 100 Euro
User 2 10,01 to 500 Euro
User 3 250 to 1.000 Euro
User 4 800 to 0 (=infinite) Euro
User 5 0 to 0 (=infinite) Euro.
The amounts may also overlap. If two users are involved (e.g. User 2 and User 5), both users will be presented with this document for approval as soon as you start the approval process. However, as soon as the document has been processed by one of the two users (e.g. by releasing or rejecting it), the user calling up the process later will not longer see this document.

Vacation replacement, alias, substitution

In the user setup, one vacation substitute and one alias can be entered per user:

Purchase Invoice Approval Substitution Who should represent this user?
Purchase Invoice Approval Substitution As of From when should this user be represented by the specified user?
Purchase Invoice Approval Substitution Until Until when should this user be represented by the specified user?
Purchase Invoice Approval Alias Especially for test purposes: If a user is entered here, the user login of this user facility behaves like a user login of the user entered here. Can also be used, for example, to quickly approve invoices for a colleague who is unable to attend.
Purchase invoice approval not assigned: If "Yes" (checkbox active), this user gets all shares that cannot be assigned to any other user.

Approval process

Calling up the invoices to be approved by the currently logged-in user:

Business Central or Navision creates a list of invoices currently awaiting approval at runtime:

Bearbeitung der freizugebenden Einkaufsrechnungen in Navision / Business Central

OK: The invoice is approved without further inquiry (the wait indicator is deleted). A remark entered in Action Remark is transferred to the purchase invoice remark.
Rejected: The invoice is marked as Rejected. The wait indicator is changed to +++. Before that, it is mandatory to enter a remark (=reason) for the rejection in the Action remark column.
Delegate: A user must be entered in the delegate to column beforehand. This user receives an email with the note that he would like to take care of this document and give a feedback. A possibly previously entered "Action Remark" will be included in the mail as a hint for the checking user. The wait indicator is changed to '->'. When the release list is called up again, a "Delegated!" is added to the description. The current releaser remains as responsible for this document! Note: The mail contains a link to the Navision page as well as the document itself as PDF.

Escalate: The current approval level is skipped, the document is transferred directly to the next approval level. If there is no next approval level, the document will be transferred to the user marked as "Purchase invoice approval not assigned" .

The receipt is immediately removed from this list when an action is selected. Depending on the action, the document may be displayed again the next time it is called up.

Generally, each status change is saved in the remarks of the affected purchase invoice. In addition, a possibly completed Action Remark is also transferred to the remarks of the purchase invoice. This way, the accounting department has a quick overview (via the newly added FactBox "Remarks") of the release history of each document in the purchase invoice overview.

In the purchase invoices, the current waiting indicator is additionally displayed with the plain text remarks:

Liste der Einkaufsrechnungen im bzw. nach dem Freigabeprozess mit den Stati Delegieren, Ablehnen, Freigeben und Eskalieren

All documents without a wait indicator are released or are to be processed further (e.g. posted) without a release workflow.

Legend of the waiting indicators

Invoice awaiting approval
Invoice was delegated –>
Invoice was escalated ^^^
Invoice was rejected +++
Invoice could not be posted ???

Financial Accounting Overview

In Financial Accounting you will see a condensed overview of the purchase invoices to be released with tool tip notes on how to proceed.

Navision / Business Central Screenshot für den Prozess Einkaufsrechnung Freigabe mit Kurzanleitung über einen Tooltip

Further calculation

The columns calculate to and calculate with factor can be used to trigger an automated further calculation to customers (debtors). If calculate to is filled in, Navision or Business Central will automatically create a sales order with corresponding notes on the further calculation of the purchase invoice when the purchase invoice is posted.


The receipt (the purchase invoices) can already be read in fully automatically via the GetMyInvoice function. Fully automatic approval processes can already be triggered via the approval rules, e.g. for very reliable suppliers or internal settlements.

The actual posting of the purchase invoice can also be automated via the task queues. To do this, set the predefined task queue post approved purchase invoices to the status Ready, and adjust the repetition rate if necessary.

Automatische Verbuchung von Eingangsrechnungen über die Aufgabenwarteschlangenposten

The Purchase Invoice Release Post code unit regularly scans the existing purchase invoices that do not (any longer) have a waiting indicator. These are checked for their affiliation to the GetMyInvoice interface and in case of success automatically booked via the code unit 90. If an error should occur during this posting, the waiting indicator ??? will be added to the purchase invoice.