Setup & Operations GMI

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Operation GMI Page

Log in to GMI

Please use this Link, just fill in all fields as needed. For "other tools" please select Dynamics 365 Business Central.

After logging in, please edit the notifications right away. Since you mainly use GetMyInvoices via Business Central and Navision, you can switch off the notifications very generously:

Recommendation: Disable "E-mail notifications" in general, "Portal" (you will be notified when you log in to GMI) is sufficient.

You can also generally switch off "Overdue invoices" and "Cash discount"; you handle payment transactions in Navision.

Retrieve invoices

Simply upload the first test documents via Documents/Upload document. .

You can also already start setting up portals here (Companies & Portals, +), mail addresses to retrieve (Dashboard/E-mail Accounts, +), a separate mail address for your invoice receipt (Dashboard, small envelope on the top right, "Central mailbox").
There are basically the following 4 ways to get invoices into GetMyInvoice. What all of them have in common: Only the raw document is transferred, a manual indexing (e.g. which supplier(s) number, which document number) is does not necessary.

1. Upload (In the GMI Dashboard, the "Upload" button is already visible at the very top. Click on it, up to 25 documents (JPG, TIFF, PDF...) can be uploaded in the window that opens. GMI performs OCR recognition immediately afterwards, and then offers manual verification.
2. Central mailbox at GetMyInvoice. This should be set up in any case, at least for the point 3.b. Click at the envelope in the upper right corner with the mouse. You have already created this mailbox during the GMI setup.
3.a. Retrieval of mails by GetMyInvoice from your own central invoice mailaccout, e.g. ("Syncronisation")
3.b. Forwarding from your own central invoice mailaccout, e.g. to the central mail address set up under 2. (then you do not need to enter any access data to your own mail system at GMI)
3.c. Transfer directly to your central mailboxYou can also simply give this central mailbox from 2. to your suppliers, so that they send their invoices directly there. I do not recommend this, because then you will not get any further information from these mails, e.g. change of bank details or company name.
4. The top class: setting up portals. GetMyInvoice can directly invoice you from Amazon, eBay, Google from the corresponding portal! You will never have to click through those horrible menus again. This alone will save you hours of monthly work in many cases. You can find this in the left menu, via companies and portals.

Indexing invoices

In the beginning you will still assign a lot of receipts. The AI of GetMyInvoices does not want to do anything wrong here and starts with a "tightened handbrake". This will change after a few documents.

Set up your working space first:

Documents/Settings (cogwheel top right)

That's all, you don't need anything else.

Then check if the displayed data (name, document number, amount, tax rate) are plausible. Generally at least the name will be missing at the beginning. Press "edit":

Indexation I

With the mouse and the left mouse button pressed, draw a rectangle over the desired information. In most cases GMI recognizes the content and suggests the target field in a selection box:

Select the desired field.

Indexation II

GMI also sometimes suggests recognized data, but is not sure enough to enter them:

In this case, you only need to click on the link and the suggestion will be applied. Important for names: It does NOT hurt to create one and the same company also several times under different names! In Business Central or Navision these can then still be merged! Likewise it is NOT important to enter the company name "Firma IrreKompliziert GmbH & Co. KG den Haag" here really 1:1 to represent! It should only be recognizable and clear. That is already sufficient. The correct assignment to the accounting takes place in Navision anyway.

Indexation III

Each field value can be easily entered in the edit window (the right part of the display).

Indexation IV

The relevant fields (see next entry) are usually recognized correctly and only the company name is missing. Naturally, this happens very often, especially at the beginning. In this case, documents where the same field ("Document type", "Name"...) is to be provided with the same content can be edited in the block:

In the first step the fields (e.g. the name) are corrected, then, after pressing "Save & Continue", it is specified which of the edited fields should be copied to all following documents. Caution: "Gross amount" or "Invoice number" are usually NOT suitable for this!

Relevant fields

Name, invoice number, gross amount are mandatory. The name must be unique and recognizable (See notes under Indexation II). The invoice number should be correct, the amount should be absolutely correct. These fields must be filled in. Depending on the internal structure, due date, invoice date (document date), net amount and tax rate or currency code may also be necessary.


Editing must be completed with "Save"! Default values for the fields that are still to be edited can be adopted at the same time.


If (e.g. from a mail) a document was recognized as a document, which however has no meaning, then the document can also be deleted immediately:

The GetMyInvoices menu can be accessed using the search term GetMyInvoices:

Alternatively, the individual menu items can also be called up directly with your name (e.g. GMI documents).

GMI Setup

Basic processing settings are made in GMI Setup. The individual option fields are described in the next block.

GMI accounts

In this list, the GMI interface enters each account found in GMI. In ERP, the missing data, in particular the ERP account type and account number, must then be subsequently maintained. If the post-processing fields are left on "Default", Navision and Business Central will take the default for this field from the GMI setup.

Navision tries to find a vendor with exactly the same name as in GMI at the first occurrence of the account in GMI. If this is successful, the account will be initialized to match. Of course, this can still be corrected as desired.

The easiest way to maintain it is to simply set the account type (usually vendor, can also be copied down in bulk via F8), and then search by name:

Fields in GMI account

  • Fields with * can be predefined via GMI Setup and then only need to be maintained in the GMI account in case of deviations.


The reference to GetMyInvoices. GMI uses internally only this GMI ID.

Tax rate, G/L account, description/VAT. Est. Posting Group / VAT %, G/L Account, Description, VAT Prod. Posting Group

This is about which G/L account etc. should be used for GMI vouchers or GMI voucher lines which have exactly this tax rate. You can make up to two setups (e.g. for 7% and 19% (or 5% and 16%) for domestic partners or 20% for Austrian partners).

Account Type/No./Name

This is the Navision / Dynamics NAV / Business Central assignment to this GMI account. For a quick and easy maintenance Navision shows in the column GMI account name the account name taken over from GMI. This can be but does not have to bethe exact target account! For example, you can post 10 different GMI account ID's to a single miscellaneous Navision account if you wish.
When entering the GMI account, Navision searches for a supplier account, which has exactly this entry in the Name field once. With accurately maintained master data, Navision takes care of the initial setup of this account.
Tip: In most cases, this is the fastest way to reach your goal:
Enter "Vendor" in the account type, then in Account Name simply type the beginning from the GMI Account Name field. Make sure that the (default) filter column is set to "Name".

Default Currency

In which currency this account is usually posted. This will save you the exact maintenance in the GMI documents of this account.
If you enter a currency here, all documents of this account will be read with this currency, independent of the recognized / set currency in the GMI document. This reduces the indexing work in GetMyInvoices.

Purchase Orders, Purchase Shipments not inv.

Here Navision / Dynamics NAV / Business Central shows if there are purchase orders for this account. This is primarily to inform if this account is more of an expense account (no purchase orders available) or possibly a commodity account.

Current Documents, Current Total Amount

The GMI documents currently to be processed within Navision.

Archived Documents

The documents already processed in Navision, which have been moved to GMI for archiving after processing. These documents are also available in GMI under archived documents .

Deleted Documents

The documents already processed in Navision, which were deleted after processing in GMI. These documents are no longer available in GMI.

GMI Postprocess *

What should happen to this document after it is processed in Navision? The options are:

  • Delete: The document is deleted in GMI after processing in Navision.
  • Archive: The document is archived in GMI after processing in Navision.

ERP Postprocess *

What should happen when the GMI processing is done, so the final ERP document can be created?

  • Save: The target document is created but not posted. It can then be further processed in the normal ERP or posted manually.
  • Post: The document is created and an attempt is made to post it immediately. If successful, no changes can be made to the target document, as it is posted immediately. In the event of an error, the target document remains in the ERP and must be manually posted there (e.g. in the case of blocked accounts, goods receipts posted ahead of time, etc.).

Cost posting *

Navision always tries to assign incoming documents to a goods receipt for each account. If the incoming document becomes a goods receipt invoice in this way, this field has no further meaning.
If, on the other hand, it is not possible to create a goods receipt invoice, these options will decide:

  • Invoice: Business Central & Navision creates a purchase invoice as cost accounting with the previously identified G/L accounts/posting texts, etc.
  • Accounting sheet: Navision creates an accounting sheet to post this voucher as a cost voucher. For this setting, the following option must also be maintained!

Journal Template, Batch name *

If Navision is to create cost accounts as financial accounting journal lines (recommendation), it is possible / necessary to specify here in which financial accounting journal these lines are to be entered.

Import to client*

Here you can specify into which client this account should be imported:

a) Leave this column empty in the accounts: A #M: tag must be stored in the GMI document.
b) Enter a different client in this column: All documents for this account will be read into this different client.
c) Enter the current client in this column: All documents for this account will be read into the current client.

Navision does not process the GMI document further until this information is available in some way (maintenance in GMI, preassignment in account or institution).

Edit GMI Documents in ERP

The documents are normally imported periodically via the scheduler (task queue). A manual import can also be triggered via Action/GetDocs.

Timing of the import of GetMyInvoice into Navision/Business Central

1. Import of user data from GetMyInvoices. Here it can be that necessary data are still missing, e.g. final amount, account (supplier) not recognized in GMI, account not yet created in Navision, client.
As long as this data is not available, Navision tries to retrieve this data from GMI again at each cycle.
In GMI, for example, the final amount or the account would (have to) be maintained.
Or the account still needs to be set up in Navision as it is the first time.
These processes take place time-controlled or manually started in the code unit GMI Handler .

2. Assign to the correct client. As soon as the document could be processed further in Navision, the GMI document is no longer needed, but remains for the time being. At this point Navision has an account (supplier), knows in which client this document should be, knows a final amount. Now it is checked if this document is in the right client in Navision. If the document is not in the correct Navision client, it is now moved to the correct Business Central and Navision client.
This process takes place time-controlled in the code unit GMI AttachCompany&ShipedLines .

3. Assign & archive delivery lines. As soon as the document that can be processed from 2. is in the correct client, the document import is completed in Navision or Business Central: Available delivery lines are assigned, the document is archived in GetMyINvoices and thus disappears from the list of open documents in GMI.
This process takes place time-controlled in the code unit GMI AttachCompany&ShipedLines .