New connections for old Navision

Nav123: Navision, Showare, OrderApp

Bank transfers or direct debits via Sepa, DPD via web interface instead of FTP, summary reports via Elster, new Intrastat reports...
In this context, customers often simply get a shrug of the shoulders from their previous consultant: "Yes, NOW your Navision is really too old, it can no longer be adapted. Buy a new one, now in the cloud!".


This is, of course, nonsense in this form. Interfaces essentially consist of a text file (something like this text here, or a Word document, or a technical file structure that expects or outputs certain data at certain points in this text file according to certain rules), and a transmission path. File interfaces, email, SOAP, REST APIs...
Even your "old" Navision in version 3.01, 3.60, 3.70, 2009 R2, those in between, your Dynamics in 2013 R2, 2015 etc... They can all process text files, and they can all handle Soap, Rest, Email etc.. It may take a little trickery, but you can always manage to output or process these "modern" data formats with your Navision. Ideally, of course, with the technical version from 2009R2, but in principle also from 3.70.

Sometimes the direct route doesn't work, but somehow you manage to make a connection

And I, as an old white man, can understand very well if you want to hold on to your beloved "old" Navision... it has become slower and less elegant to use with each new version, not to mention the programming. But it's definitely worth taking a look at the new Navision / Business Central versions, there's some great technology behind them, which can save you a few headaches... But maybe you just need to hold on for a few more months this way... and you can!

Talk to me, if an old interface shoe is pinching you, I'm sure we can make it fit!

SQL Server 2014 2016 2019

If you run your 4.03, 2005, 2009R2 Navision with the SQL server, there is exactly one matching SQL server version for each Navision version. For 4.03 and 2005, that would have to be Microsoft SQL Server 2005... but that was a long time ago. For Navision 2009R2, SQL Server 2008 was recommended. Good news: At least for Navision 2009R2, you can just as easily use Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Microsoft SQL Server 2016 or even Microsoft SQL Server 2019! And you usually have another alternative: if your database does not exceed 64Gb, 128Gb or 256Gb (depending on the license) (that's definitely the end of the line), and you don't have more than, say, around 80-120 users, you can (perhaps after a database cleanup) possibly use Apart from the record-level locking, it is also an easy-to-maintain workhorse for shoveling your data across the hard disks.


The format has changed slightly, if you still have an old SEPA PAIN interface, then the header must be changed.

Summary report

The data format already changed in 2020, and old data formats will probably no longer be accepted from fall 2022. The transmission method has also changed: You now simply upload the completed ZM file in the new Elster format to the Federal Central Tax Office BZSt using Elster, as well as your UVA (advance VAT return). However, the UVA is so easy to complete that many users simply type in their Navision UVA once a month... No matter: both are possible.


Since 2022, only the new XML format has been accepted here; CSV data formats are no longer accepted. You can find more information here.


Since 2023, electronic registrations are only permitted/possible via the SOAP-Web portal . Quite cool (apart from a grotty and inconclusive documentation): You can get a finished ZPL file back directly, which you then just send to a ZPL_capable A6 lab printer, and you're done.

Advance VAT return (UVA) via Elster

The data format has also changed slightly here. If you are still using the Native Client, you must first change these lines in report 11016 Create XML-File VAT Adv.Notif. or XML file for VAT Adv.-VA :

Änderung im Clasic Client im Report 11016 um die 2023er Version für die UVA für Elster auszugeben. xmlns="" version="2023"> wird so hinzu gefügt.

Change in the Classic Client in report 11016 to add the 2023 version for the UVA for Elster to this registration tax element: xmlns="″ version="2023″>

Of course, you can also make this look nicer by simply deleting the commented lines completely.

You XML file will then look something like this:

Depending on which Navision version you are using, you may need to make further adjustments to your output, but this is definitely one of the most important changes. If it does not yet work with Elster and the XML-UVA advance VAT return: Get in touch with me!

ZUGFeRD & xRechnung

The compulsion of the federal government (perhaps more precisely: the insolvent treasurer of the Federal Republic of Germany) is looking for more and more sources of income. However, since large and growing proportions of the federal population are largely passive recipients of benefits and therefore naturally fail as a source, even more has to be squeezed out of the last remaining beneficiaries in Germany. Don't be under any illusions: xRechnugen and the long-dead ZUGFeRD are officially coming under the mantle of "modernization" and "digitalization". However, they are only a thin veneer over the technical possibility of being able to monitor the flow of sales in Germany even better. These invoice formats therefore do not have their origins in any kind of business friendliness. The possibility of tax refunds in any form could simply have been abolished or restricted, and CumEx and VAT fraud models ("VAT carousel") would simply have been useless and that would have been that. But that would be too simple, and simple is simply too much for German legislation. That is why a new administrative monster is being created with enormous conversion costs, especially for small companies - entirely in the spirit of ViDA VAT control.The result will be online monitoring by the financial authorities in every EU country before the end of this decade. And across borders too. Value added tax (VAT) does not apply to third country transactions. But here too, cost and service invoices will be monitored more and more intensively, as this is of course where the last tax loopholes lie. Be that as it may: total monitoring will come; it is already common practice in the catering industry and other cash transactions, e.g. in Poland, Hungary and Austria. However, the topic is still so new and therefore so complex that I have dedicated a separate article to xRechnung and ZUGFeRD in Navision Financials Dynamics, Attain and Microsoft Business Central BC365. You can find it here.