The current structure is definitely not final, I am grateful for any improvement!
The goal: I want to a) find movies of a certain genre quickly, of course, e.g. action movies or love movies ("romance"). That's what I do even if I can't think of "John Wick", for example. But I would also like to be able to use the regular Windows search function to find, for example, all movies with "Keanu Reeves", or all movies of 2019.
I know there are media players such as PLEX that can do this semi-automatically.
But I also want to be able to simply output my movie (and music) list into a text file to make a homepage out of it ("These are the movies, documentaries and series you can watch with me").
There already is a not entirely bad basic structure for this:

A conflict can already be seen here: Is an action movie with Jacky Chan now "80s" or "action" or "martial arts"?
Here the answer is actually simple: the division by "themes" was done after sorting by 80s, action, etc.
So Jacky would clearly belong to "Martial Arts", the division by subject is much finer than the previous division.
"Action" and " Thriller" are not clean either. Is a James Bond now action or is it also thrilling? "Thrilling" was therefore stupid.
First, it's about the movies under _Unsorted. They are not classified yet. Later, the films that have already been moved into the existing structure could/should also be checked and moved/renamed if necessary.
- Subfolder: A movie "deserves" a subfolder only if it has subtitles:

So the movie would be renamed to (movie title - year - main actor) and moved to themes/thrillers. The subfolders in Themes have priority over the other top folders because they are more finely divided. The now empty folder Open Season-Hunting Time is now to be deleted.
2. movies that still need to be recoded. E.g. Blueray copies:

I'll do the recoding when I get a chance. Also to recognize if "the big file" is still called img, or the subfolders
In this case, the whole subfolder with the movie name ("Sinbad's...) is pushed into the encode folder.
Exception: The main file (see point 4) is an IMG file, in this case (see 4) only this one file will be named correctly and moved to the encode folder, the complete rest will be deleted.
3. splitted films

These are first to be brought together in a folder, renamed appropriately and then also moved to the appropriate main folder, here "Musicals":

Since The title already carries the main actors in itself, this must not be indicated naturally additionally with (thus not Tina Turner-whats love Tina Turner 1993!!) The division number of the films is always designated with CD1 CD2..., even if these are indicated in the original file e.g. only as 1 or 2 or A or P or Part 1 Part 2 etc..
4. unpacking remains:

Label the unzipped movie correctly (See folder name), and in this case move it to the Encode folder. See point 2: This movie is still an image file and needs to be encoded to MKV format first:

With IMG only this one file is moved to the encode folder, the rest is garbage and can be deleted. For Blueray & DVD (see above) this is do not.
5. several related movies (John Wick, The fast & the furious, James Bond...) deserve a related subfolder:

Create a new folder and move the individual films into it. If all films were shot with the same main actor(s), copy the main actor into the folder name. If the individual films (James Bond) were shot with different main actors, then (see point 1) main actors (that can be also times 2 or three) in the file name. You can also correct typos like in the example.
Where to move this folder? Mhmmm... Cool example:

In this case, I've already looked inside: A lot of martial arts, so after martial arts (although this is not clear from the Wikipedia entry at all. But the movies are really sooooo bad, that they neither go through as a comedy nor as a love story, and the horror effects are sooooo bad, that this part goes through again as a comedy. Well, and if something is sorted wrong, I can always correct it later. Don't spend too much time with that! If necessary also leave a film or a folder in presorted! I can often decide from the film title alone where that belongs (war, romance...), you possibly as well with some experience.

There will always be ambiguities (see introduction) when sorting and/or naming. But if it fits roughly, much is already gained.
6. Movies with subtitles
Recognizable by the files srt, idx, sub:

These movies also get their own subfolder, year & main actor then belong in the folder name (to keep the filename as short as possible). Tip: Copy the filename first (F2 to edit, Ctrl+C to copy), then create a new folder: This is immediately in edit mode. Use CTRL+V to assign the saved name, then move the related files into it.
If you are googling the main actor and the year of release anyway, it is a good idea to move the movie to the correct destination folder using the movie description, which appears at the same time.
7. Series (actual series)
For this purpose there is a separate subfolder with its own structure.

The not blue marked are not yet sorted! Only the blue folders are fixed and "correct".
If you look into these subfolders, you will quickly get a feeling for the sorting. I am quite satisfied with this folder. Each season has its own subfolder. Any episodes still sorted in sub-subfolders have to go into the season folder:

Files with the identifier "Sample" can basically go away:

8. Easy to understand film titles
With "Wenn die Heide blüht" you have to think long (at least I don't): The film is immediately pushed into "Classics" without further editing (fine-tuning comes later).
9. special case pregrouped subtitle movies "subs"

There should be only one folder at the end, with film and subtitle together. The goal is therefore:
Rename the Subs folder to Movie Title-Year-Main Actor
Rename the movie file to movie title (!)
Move the movie file to the previous subs folder
Rename all files to match the movie title, this is usually done with Select All (CTRL+A), then press F2 to rename a file: All will be renamed. Be careful if there are subtitles in different languages: Then rather rename single ones by hand.

The movie folder can then be moved, here e.g. Action. Remaining top folders are simply deleted afterwards.

10. special case of non-extracted files

Genre legend
Action: Movies where fast action (mostly high-speed car chases) are the main focus.
Bollywood: indian movies, often with totally inappropriate dance performances
Women: If a special achievement for or by women is in the foreground, Also emancipation or self-justice. "Romance" and "love" should not be in the foreground, otherwise rather pack in "romance".
God: Movies with spiritual background, humor is not an obstacle.
History: Movies set further in the past
HorrorThe focus here is often on the shedding of blood, but even completely bloodless (The Fog, Fog of Horror) can give you a sleepless night. Deliberately scary movies
Martial Arts: Movies with karate, boxing, etc.. If a martial art is the red line, then in here, romance etc. then no longer are an option.
Child MoviesMovies for children
ClassicsOld movies, mostly in black & white
WarAlso movies that have their origins in war but take place "afterwards", e.g. coping with war trauma.
Short movies: Very short films, but worth watching, mostly student work.
Maths: Movies that revolve around arithmetic, computers (nerds), economics.
Musicals: Anything where there is sudden singing or dancing. Attention: If Indians do this, then in Bollywood
Romance: Love movies
SciFi: Science fiction. Considered from the time of shooting! Many SciFi films of that time are set in our present time, but are still SciFi in terms of genre.
Soft-Sex: Mostly movies of the 80s with a few visible boobs, often made on funny.
Thriller: When the tension prevails, but the whole is neither bloody nor lives from chases. Difficult to distinguish from action or horror.
Christmas: Movies for Christmas. Often romantic comedies also fall into this category. Then "Christmas" has priority.
Western: Old and new films that focus on the world around colts, cowboys, America's settlement, etc.
When sorting into the presort folder (_New unsorted/_Presort), this film is done. If a subfolder of the target structure is missing in the presort: Simply create it. If you find that there are a lot of similar movies that don't fit into one of the subfolders or that deserve a genre of their own: Create subfolders according to your own feeling! As described: I am not yet satisfied with the fineness of the structure myself. But I am on a good way with the topic subfolders.
When moving to one of the final folders (is of course better, because then completely done and not to touch again) check if there is already that film there. If yes: check which one is bigger (file size: bigger file = better resolution). The existing Is larger? Possibly correct the filename of the existing file (see point 1), and delete the new, smaller file. The new one is bigger: Delete the old file, copy the new one. This way the archive quality will always be a little better.